Air Conditioning Sunny Isl Bch

AC Maintenance Sunny Isl Bch

Is it time for AC Maintenance in your Sunny Isl Bch Home?

How frustrating it is to come home and to find out that your Air Conditioning Unit does not cool anymore. Especially in Sunny Isl Bch, FL where temperatures can rise well above 85 degrees. Of course, you can try sleeping with the fan on but it will only disperse hot air within your room. It will not allow you to regain the comfort that you and your family are accustomed to. Unfortunately, situations in which you need to call an AC Repair company for AC maintenance arise once in a while and in those cases you need to be able to count on a reliable and affordable AC maintenance company in Sunny Isl Bch.

Air Conditioner Miami is the company that will provide you with same day service in order to restore your air conditioning service as fast and as cheap as possible.

Our professional AC Maintenance technicians are available 7 days a week to bring you more than 20 years experience in AC Repair in the Sunny Isl Bch area.

Among the many services that Air Conditioner Miami provides Sunny Isl Bch residents and businesses is AC Maintenance. We are experts at troubleshooting and repairing all types of air conditioning units and all brands of air conditioners.

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AC Maintenance Sunny Isl Bch

AC Maintenance Sunny Isl Bch

You’re only 1 Call away from exceptional AC Maintenance in Sunny Isl Bch, FL

You call is answered right away by one of our AC maintenance dispatchers who is able to answer all your questions regarding your faulty AC unit. If your question is too technical for our dispatchers to answer, you will be transferred to an AC Maintenance specialist who will help coordinate your AC maintenance at the most convenient time for you and your family. Many times your AC unit only needs to be recharged with freon or refrigerant. If this is the case, one of our AC maintenance experts will come to your residence or business and will bring your air conditioner back to life in a few minutes, all at a minimum cost. In the case that your air conditioner needs a more comprehensive diagnostic, our qualified and licensed AC maintenance staff will take the time needed to provide you with a detailed estimate, showing all the parts and labor needed in order to fix your air conditioning unit.

For a Top AC maintenance company in the Sunny Isl Bch area, trust Air Conditioner Miami to provide you with excellent service whether it is for residential AC maintenance or commercial AC maintenance.

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Problems that lead to AC Maintenance

Air Conditioning Services Sunny Isl Bch

7 Days a Week Sunny Isl Bch AC Maintenance

As mentioned above, there are plenty of reasons why an air conditioning unit would stop working. Some of them are simple and only require a quick fix and some others are more serious and require the expertise and reliability of an AC maintenance company which can react quickly.

AC Unit not cooling

If your air conditioner is starting but not cooling, that’s a tricky one as the reason why it is happening is not readily visible. It could be as simple as your AC unit needing to be recharged with freon gas or it could be due to a dead motor or a faulty condenser. An AC maintenance technician would need to be dispatched on site for an in-depth diagnostic in order to recommend the right course of action.

Broken Air Condenser

The AC condenser is a vital piece of your Air Conditioning Unit. According to the National Average Price, the cost of replacing an AC Condenser by a AC maintenance specialist is between $520 and $700. At Air Conditioner Miami, our AC maintenance experts are very often below the National Average Cost for replacing an air conditioner condenser. Feel free to call us at 305-547-8887 to inquire about the cost of our AC maintenance services in Sunny Isl Bch, FL.

Frozen Air Conditioner

Most of the time, the cause of a frozen air conditioning unit are the air conditioner coils that need to be cleaned. If they are obstructed by dirt and residues your AC unit’s coils cannot function as intended and freeze which in turns prevents your Air Conditioning Unit from producing cold air. Cleaning frozen coils is a rather long process, count 3 to 4 hours. The AC maintenance expert has to remove the coils from your AC unit, take them outside and clean them with some type of acid solution and pressure cleaning. They also need to be dried and re-installed properly so your AC unit can restart its cooling cycle properly. Inquire about our Air Conditioning Coils cleaning services and our AC maintenance in AC maintenance in Sunny Isl Bch.

We are very familiar with al types of problems that you can encounter with your Air Conditioning Units as we have been repairing and installing all types of AC maintenance services on all Air Conditioner Brands.

  • Trane
  • Goodman
  • American Standard
  • Carrier
  • Rheem
  • Ruud
  • York
  • Lennox
  • Bryant
  • Coleman

 Our Service Coverage Area:

AC Maintenance Sunny Isl BchAir Conditioner Miami is present in all of South Florida:

  • Aventura
  • Bal Harbour
  • Coral Gables
  • Doral
  • Golden Beach
  • Hialeah
  • Key Biscayne
  • Miami
  • Miami Beach
  • Sunny Isles Beach
  • Cooper City
  • Coral Springs
  • Deerfield Beach
  • Fort Lauderdale
  • Hallandale Beach
  • Hollywood
  • Margate
  • Miramar
  • Pembroke Pines
  • Plantation

Top 5 Reasons to Call Air Conditioner Miami in Sunny Isl Bch, FL

  • Text or Email your Air Conditioner photos for a FREE AC Maintenance Estimate
  • Emergency 1 Hour AC Maintenance available in Sunny Isl Bch, FL
  • 20 Years Experience in AC Maintenance in Sunny Isl Bch, FL
  • Most Affordable AC Maintenance Company in Sunny Isl Bch, FL
  • Commercial AC Maintenance in Sunny Isl Bch available 7 Days a Week

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